“I’m Henry Kipper and this is my boy Sid. We’d like to tell you some of our old stories and sing some of our old songs, and talk about ‘the old days’.”
The Kippers were probably the greatest Norfolk export.
This website and related its social media are probably the closest we’ll come to a Kipper fan club. Stories, quotes, articles, lyrics, photos, video and more. Including (cod) pieces (stolen) from the official organ of Sid Kipper. Featuring contributions supplied by Sid Kipper and Chris Sugden.
Your Old Stories
Share some of your old Kipper stories at our: FACEBOOK GROUP
Interaction with the FB Group is very much encouraged you can also tell your old Kipper stories on this website.
If you would like to contribute anything to the website that would be very welcome indeed. Please contact me.
The Final Fillet

Sid Kipper – “Wit, Wisdom & Walnuts”
Sid retired to spend more time with his ferrets. His original website once could be found at sidkipper.co.uk. There was some strange bloke called Chris Sugden running it, where there was a huge amount of Sid Kipper. It then moved to www.spineless.idps.co.uk. Unfortunately it then vanished along with Sid, along with all the silver. But! You can see the old site at Web Archive (snapshot 01/Sept/2014)
Note: quite a lot has been imported to this website more info
Chris Sugden aka Sid Kipper died 3rd April 2024 wikipedia – EDP24
Chris wrote a lot of books see: Amazon- Chris Sugden
Two Faced and Gutless
Was the final fillet of kipper: In 2011 there were two new Kipper albums: a Kipper Family album of previously unreleased material: Two Faced, and another album by Sid Kipper: Gutless. Gutless thereya.
Fresh Yesterday
The best Kipper Family experience
Recorded at the Trunch village hall. Sid and Henry in full kipper flow. Witness the comic talent of the duo as they tell some of their old stories and sing some of their old songs. You may recognise the tunes, but the words will bring a new dimension to folk singing!